Coronavirus and Dentistry

Majority of patients arrive and deny having any symptoms of an illness. After a mandatory hand to hand exchange of the check-in tablets and several minutes of conversation (within very close proximity) the patient will begin warming up to the receptionist and chat about the vacation they've just returned from. Normally while either their spouse or children sit in the lobby coughing or sneezing everywhere. No big deal, right? It's a daily occurrence for patients to bring guests to "hang out" in the lobby while they get their teeth cleaned. Better yet, some patients will arrive and become very irritated with the check in process. At that moment, in an exaggerated manner, they'll deeply exhale and blow their breath into my face to prove just how aggravated they actually are. Most of the time I can accurately identify what they've had for lunch. Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of patients who cancel because they're not feeling well. However, they'll come directly into the office, march up to the front desk and say "I just tested positive for the flu at my doctor's office, so I'll need to reschedule... deep, long, inconvenienced breathy sigh in my face here's my new insurance card can you check my benefits for me so I'll know what to expect when I come back?". Honestly, I have yet to figure out the logic behind that particular scenario, especially when a simple call to the office would suffice. I'm not sure why anyone thinks that intimate interactions with the receptionist, who's not wearing gloves, a face mask, or a gown, is somehow immune or protected against the spread germs. Prayers for the front desk staff, typically the least paid employees of the practice, who repeatedly get coughed on, sneezed on, and are constantly trying to clean greasy finger prints from frequently touched surfaces. Luckily, the administrative staff is there to update the doctors, assistants, and hygienists (who are always clad in protective gowns, face masks, and gloves) of the potentially asymptomatic patients waiting in lobby.

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