Cory Bernardi's halal inquiry has unleashed a torrent of anti-Islamic hatred

Come on mate - people are trying to reinstate religious taxation, certification and control of our food, services, recreational facilities, and public amenities. Something society suffered immeasurable and debilitating injustices under for centuries via the yoke of Catholic / Christian oppression.

The idea of paying tithes, Qadha, was the bedrock of the Christian church which empowered it to run, ruin, society for centuries, providing the means for the Crusades, Inquisitions and of course the source of the greatest stock pile of wealth in all of human history which allowed them to hold back humanity to maintain their power position and inflict untold suffering.

So lets be clear - its simply not fair to deny the very same opportunities to the new kid on the religious block just because they are not white.

Its utterly racist to question Islam - its sickening. We know and understand well the brutality and vile position that enforced tithes and religious taxation placed on society - its clear as day, there is simply no question regarding the historical record on the consequences of religious taxation - NONE.

But to apply that knowledge to Islam is entirely racist because they are black, or brown, or something not quite white - so it doesn't apply to them.


So just leave the racist shit at the front door - we are dealing with Islam, and reason, logic, facts, history, liberal progressive ideas, equality, civil modern society can all go and get fucked - they have no place, because these people are brown, or black or not white and from somewhere else. Ok.

For fuck sake - show some compassion you backwards conservative white prick.

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