Cosby admitted in 2005 to getting Quaaludes to give to women he sought sex with.

Okay, I have a question, because I don't understand something and now I'm getting flak from family members because I referred to Cosby's rapes as "that sex thing".

Yes, I am aware that Bill Cosby very likely raped these women. It is obviously a very bad thing and the proper punishment should be dealt to Bill by the courts.

But what am I supposed to do about it? I'm on the internet, a long way away from anything to do with him. At this point, there are only two things I can really do: 1. say what everyone already thinks, aka "Bill Cosby is a shit, fuck that guy", or 2. Make a joke, like the top comment.

My next question is: Why can't a joke be made about it? I don't think trying to find humour in this situation detracts from the issue itself. In fact, if you look at comedians like Bill Burr, Louis CK, Chris Rock, Dave Chapelle, etc. they often talk about uncomfortable issues in a funny way. You'll see the clips on reddit from time to time. They, and many people who are detached from situations, like to use humour as a communication device. It also helps to stop lulls in conversations IRL by trying to make a sober situation at least a little bit funny.

On a more personal point, back to when I said "that sex thing". What, did they want me to say "The 50 or so rape accusations layed out against Bill Cosby?" Did they want me to go into gruesome detail about it, instead of making the blanket statement I did. Fuck, even saying rape in a serious context is a little uncomfortable personally, but it feels like I can't win with people who get sensitive about things as little as wording.

These thoughts might not be coherent, because it is hot as fuck in the office, but I'm just so frustrated that it seems like society is losing its grasp on the concept of humour and skirting various hard issues with humour.

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