Covid Ruined Horror For Me?

Not the same, but I want to share something with you before you make mistakes I did. I drowned. I was dead for about 45 minutes, estimated on the fact that I was cold, I was dead for sure 12 minutes warm. My mother was a huge horror fan, and I grew up on horror movies. They were my most watched genre, by far, before the incident, but after I came back I had a stupidly hard time enjoying them. I didn't like the pacing, the message, they made my skin crawl. All of that faded within three years. With major medical incidences your brain changes. The type of horror isn't the same that I liked now as before, but I do still love the idea of my favourite genre before. Keep your doll. Tuck it in a closet, under a bed, in an attic. The love will likely come back. Possibly changed, but the core of who you are isn't different. I'll forever look at drownings critically and 1/2 star anything that says it's peaceful, but touching the darkness has given me a new perspective.

Tl;dr: Hold on to your possessions and your joy. It might not come back the same, but it will probably come back.

**The accident I was in caused permanent brain damage, so I do feel like I have a tiny bit of say on the subject.

/r/horror Thread