coworker situation gone wrong?

here's my edited post with more info... there’s this situation with a coworker where I asked her to get lunch outside of work and she denied me... things are most likely fine; she says hi to me and has told me she knows I’m respectful etc...

i then texted her a number of times to where it got annoying; just clearing up potential misunderstandings, apologizing etc.. NOT me asking her to hang out after she already said no. I sent her a few texts just clearing things up...

she did say to stop in the text a few times.. she kinda thought I was not accepting her decline to hang out, which i totally did, so I cleared that up and told her thoroughly that I respect her and her decision to not hang out with me...

She then replied that she knows I"m respectful, and I apologized if I made her uncomfortable.. then a couple weeks later I sent her a few more texts, because this coworker played some love song on break, and I didn't want her to think it was me that asked him to play it...

far fetched i know, but I wanted her to know I didn't do that because it would be disrespectful and rude ya know.. so I texted her and she said she never thought it was me..

then a few days later i apologized for making things awkward by texting her that, explaining how it wasn't like me to be this thorough and go overboard with the clearing up misunderstandings/illustrating my respect for her etc.. because it's probably annoying ya know..

I kinda went overboard with the clearing up potential misunderstandings and apologizing for going overboard etc.. i just really wanted her to feel respected and it was during a tough time and my worry got the best of me, which i told her and she understood and said things are all good.

we still work together all the time.. she said hi to me yesterday in the break room, probably just to have things be casual and normal again between us and not awkward..

other times last week or so she approached me casually to look for a product in the store, and was very comfortable around me it seemed

but just to be certain, if there were any issue and she was concerned, wouldn’t police and/or management have contacted me?

/r/AskHR Thread Parent