A cruel world

Would you like to explain more in detail what you mean by rape culture to me? I'm not sure I understand how you see it. I don't think I live in a rape culture, by my definition. People usually don't enable rape, and those who do are a minority of assholes/criminals with twisted thoughts on norms in general, I believe.

What was described in your post is what I would call an entitled asshole. If most people sided with him after hearing your description I would agree with you on the rape culture part, but in my experience people where I live do not accept such behaviour. Maybe Sweden is better than where you are from?

Also, at least when it comes to the legal process, you need to know for sure, you can't put people in prison based soley on the story you are told. I would hope this is the only reason why a rapist would get away with a slap on the wrist (not enough evidence). But I'm sure that goes without saying really.

-Curious/interested guy.

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