[CT] Person I have a restraining order against tried to add me on Facebook. Does that violate the "no contact whatsoever" order?

Actual lawyer here. I'm not your lawyer, I don't know shit about CT law, and this isn't legal advice. You know the drill.

For your own sake, stop engaging with these fucking idiots. They're blasting you with unsolicited imperatives that you don't feel suit your situation. You clearly don't want to share your reasons, and that's fine. Lawyers should know better than to press you for an explanation of something you clearly don't want to explain, and particularly should know not to pry on a public forum. Just ignore it.

Also, in keeping with this thread's trajectory of slamming you with unsolicited advice, I'm going to slam you with some unsolicited advice: when you ask someone a question, they will often follow up an answer with unsolicited advice about what you should do. If they're not your employer, doctor, psychiatrist, financial adviser, or lawyer, and are advising you to do something you've already decided for certain that you're not going to do, then don't answer with "nah, I'm not doing that." Just say "Suuuuure! Thanks!" Then move on with life and do what you already know you're going to do. They get their little "Yay! I was helpful!" dopamine shot, you get your answer, and everyone peaces out happy.

And if you don't want to take the above unsolicited advice... well... consider this a case in point!

/r/legaladvice Thread Parent