Me [26/F] with my friend[30?M] made a joke about my physical abuse

When I play cards against humanity there's a specific card that personally upsets me. I ask that the card be removed whenever I play with friends and most people oblige. However 1 time a guy slipped it into his deck and played it on my turn.

I don't condone him being an ass -he was trying to make light of a shit situation or maybe testing my humour limits. Sure it was fucked up but I just smiled, said it was very funny and even picked the card to win. I wasn't gonna be victimized in front of friends and I didn't discuss the matter to bring issues up.

However another girl at the time had the same issue and when the same guy played the card she doesn't like she had a meltdown and cried and ruined the whole night - guess who people prefer to hang out with as a result.

You don't have to let toxic people into your life. You have a good relationship with Brian so maybe try speaking to him more calmer (not saying you ripped his throat out just saying maybe you took him by surprise) and just let him know hey I confided in you and I don't wanna joke about things that really really hurt me. Next time he does it just be like woah I'm done? You don't get to treat me this way?

Some people don't grasp that certain events can't take jokes. I could joke with my friend how he fell down the stairs and they could joke about how I had a panic attack - both are testing the waters. Both can be wrong but only at the recipients discretion.

But it sucks that it was brought up during a time where you should be relaxing. Not fair to put you on the spot like that

/r/relationships Thread