Current pathways to 1.5°C per IPCC report

Don't forget that this is your conclusion. There are a lot of individual scientists which don't share this at all. Take for example the guys behind this study:

Prof. Froitzheim is absolutely warning about the changes. Specifically about the dangerous potential of the permafrost releases.

But he is not even remotely stating that it doesn't matter what we do now.

He joined Extinction Rebellion and does stuff like this:

And this is actually the most common reaction of people studying this. There are certainly people who support your position but they are in the minority.

Also if you burned down half of the city and you just realized that it was a bad idea, the most basic and best action you immediately can do is stopping to further burn down your city. Even if the city is gonna perhaps burn down completely no matter what you do at that point. Just stopping the thing that is actually hurting everything is always a good course of action no matter how late the realization was.

Your example with the hurricane is actually a good one. We can't know how far the ball will fly. Climate is not a controlled stadium. It's the exact opposite. We know perhaps the direction but it's more or less impossible to get a localized speed within a hurricane. So at that point, it's a guessing game.

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