[CW] You can't be with your soul mate. Tell them why without using the words "You", "I", or "Love".

My dearest Christina,

It is unfair that this news has to be broken in the form of a letter. It is unfair that all your caring, compassion, understanding and humour was wasted on a man who could not even look into your eyes and say that our time together is over.

It was not a decision that was made by me personally, and it was certainly not through fault of your own. There is a past that my brothers and myself have kept hidden from all but a few and unfortunately that secret has now been brought to light.

Andy, Dennis and myself were on the run from the police when we were introduced and they are not actually my brothers. We did not grow up in New York, but in Illinois, my parents are not dead. My father owns a dry walling business and my mother works in a department store. We hated our hometown so we started robbing drug dealers we knew, never staying in the same place for more than the month it would take us to meet some new coke or meth dealer with some money that needed to be liberated.

For three years we had everything we could ever want. Until we stumbled into a bar in a small town in California and a beautiful girl, with dark brown hair walked up to me and said hello. Suddenly the money, the freedom, the false sense of moral superiority we would get from robbing dope peddlers was gone, Irrelevant. The only thing that mattered to me was that moment, when dreams stopped coming to me in my sleep.

They found me. Don't know who specifically or how but someone slipped an envelope with three bullets with our names, our actual names on them under my door. Someone was watching my house so Andy went out and asked him what he knew. He told us that someone we once knew back home and told them where we were and he was just the messenger. If someone back home had told us where we were then they couldn't possibly know about the friends we've made here and the people we've met. They couldn't possibly know that any of us have girlfriends or loved ones. It should be safe, they wouldn't look for someone they could use as leverage. To be safe, go visit your parents, there's money for a bus ticket.

Find a better man than me, be happy, get a nice house in a small town with a hill so you can watch the sunrise while picking daisies from the garden. I know it's your favorite part of the day. Forget Nathan Tremblay ever existed, It's not even my real name.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread