[CW] Write a 26 sentence story. Your first sentence begins with A, the next B, and so on down the alphabet until Z.

After many hours of laying in bed with nothing but my own thoughts, I finally decided. Being alone wasn't something I wanted to experience - not anymore. Carefully, I closed the door behind me, making sure no one had noticed I had gone. Depression isn't enjoyable, no matter how many nights I had spent with it but tonight I was able to decide what I was going to do about it. Everyone had told me I was overreacting, and that I had nothing to be sad about but no one understood. FUCKING NO ONE. God gave up on me a long time ago. Hell was the only place left for me anyway. I wanted my revenge, that was all that was on my mind. Just revenge.

Killing her wasn't something I thought about; sure the way she treated me was a mistake, but murder would've made me no better. Love really is a brutal thing isn't it. Monsters are made from such a twisting emotion. Nobody seemed to understand what it has done to me though. Only me.

Peering through the window of her house, I stared back at all the memories we had together. Quietly, I walked towards her front door, and unzipped the bag I had taken with me, pulling out the one thing I had brought with me. Rope. Slowly I tied it into the right shape and climbed up onto the railing to attach it to the top of her porch. Tightly, I wrapped the final product around my neck. Useless thoughts ran to mind, telling me to stop and that I should keep trying, but I didn't care. Viciously, I pushed my self off the side railing. What a beautiful surprise I had left for her. X Ray's wouldn't be needed to show my neck didn't break and I had suffered immensely by dying to suffocation - just so she could see it.

Zoe deserved to see the pain she make me feel - right before her eyes.

(First ever post in WP, show mercy.)

/r/WritingPrompts Thread