Daily Discussion - Free Talk Friday!

FTF! I'm going to use this as an opportunity to vent my frustration with LFG. Where did all of the experienced players go?

So, I leave work yesterday with the intention of getting my challenge mode completions this week. I have already run it up to Oryx so I have the checkpoint across all of my characters. I take to LFG and message a guy looking for one, telling him that I'm experienced and can do whatever they need me to. Platform 1? I got this. We do a quick garbage run to fill up on ammo and super then wipe. The run was smooth as silk. Oryx, he dead.

One completion down, two more to go. I decide that I'm going to do the next on my Hunter since I struggle when trying to find a group as a Hunter. That's when my LFG woes began and I proceeded to bounce from group to group. I did not spend much time with each group, but it was clear to see that every one I joined would be at it for hours.

Group 1: 2 Titans, 4 Hunters - We have 3 attempts together before I leave. My job again was to be at Platform 1. It's immediately apparent there's going to be an issue when I have to sink 3 sniper shots into my Ogre before he dies (including a grenade). They just weren't melting them quickly enough. I kill both front knights each time, meanwhile the back platforms seem to completely forget about theirs. So, 3 tries where it's the same exact thing playing out. Come to find that one of the Titans in the middle is 309 LL using MIDA because he doesn't have a ToM. Now I don't fully believe that a malice is required, but a 309 with MIDA isn't going to melt the Ogres quickly enough to be able to stack the bombs correctly. I leave.

Group 2: This group I never even enter the raid with. The post specifies that you must have the emblem. Hey they don't want me to waste their time and I don't want them to waste mine. I join and immediately have my eardrums raped with squeak. Honestly, this doesn't bother me that much as long as you know what you're doing. Half of the people hadn't completed it before and were under 310 LL. The leader starts complaining about that, leaves his own group. Of course, I do not stick around.

Group 3: Another group requesting an emblem. Join and everything appears alright. We make it through the shade and discover that two bombs in back are gone. Wipe. Next run through we discover Platform 3 isn't killing their knight. Rage comes over the group. Everyone leaves.

Sigh. At this point I give up on raiding, do a few PvP matches, and call it a night. I don't understand why something so easy is so hard for some. Woe is me.

/r/DestinyTheGame Thread