The daily grind finally burned me out.

I'm not bashing your post or patronizing you whatsoever, but as a community, we did ask for a substantial grind that reflected our efforts in the form of a skin or something along those lines. Full Omega does reflect the effort put in to grind to Level 80.

I understand that there are people out there that have purchased tiers to get to Tier 100 (meaning that they've got the 120% xp bonus early on) however, it's still a hell of a grind to reach season Level 80, particularly if you're a solo player that isn't benefiting from an xp boost from friends.

On the flip side, xp per kill is definitely steep and could do with a buff. Might sound like I'm contradicting myself here, but that's one thing I personally feel does need a buff. This would definitely help the balance in what is a fun grind and a very monotonous grind.

/r/FortNiteBR Thread