Dan Harmon Deletes Twitter Account After His 2009 Video Featuring Baby Doll Rape Resurfaces

Quick everybody become absolute saints, never speed, cuss, have fun, or look at anyone more than five seconds for the rest of your lives.

We all have to grow up. Previous generations could mostly just move away from their troubles and start again, but the Internet doesn't forget, and the Internet doesn't forgive. And there's always some asshole playing Internet detective looking for something to hurt you with.

We have to grow up and accept that people do stupid things and can learn from that and change to be better people. We have to grow up and accept that a lot of things people get shit on for aren't all that bad. We have to recognize that in a lot of cases the shit-flingers are hypocrites who haven't been caught yet... so we really have to stop joining in the 2 minute hates and stand up and say, "That's not worth worrying about" when it isn't worth worrying about.

We have to grow up, and mind our own business unless it's important. You know, worry about things that are actually causing harm instead of making people clutch pearls.

And finally... we have to grow up and stop putting our entire lives on Facebook and Instagram and Twitter and whatever else. You are unique and special, but not in a way the majority of the world cares about. Social media popularity contests are for people who never mentally graduated high school. If you're playing those games, you aren't really an adult yet.

/r/television Thread Parent Link - indiewire.com