Dating for attractive women isn't all that rosy

This is just how dating is. Attractiveness doesn't change it that much

If you're less attractive, then you'll be on dates with less attractive men who do the same shit.

Here's your date selection tree:

Likes you *Stops liking you after getting to know you *Stops liking you after sexual tension released *Stops liking you after further reflection with no new information or experience *Stops liking you because they like someone else more *Stops liking you because an ex came into the picture *Falls in love with you and you live happily ever after

Doesn't like you *Tries to convince themselves that they do because sex *Ends things *Awkward about confrontation / communication so they give you a little communication hoping you'll disappear on your own

As you can see there are very few happy outcomes. Just keep doing you, and play the numbers game. As long as you're a reasonably healthy well adjusted person then if you efficiently cut out the dead weight and focus on the few good opportunities, you'll find yourself in a happy situationship eventually.

/r/dating Thread