Deal with it

Deal with what? Your repost?

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title points age /r/ comnts
Meanwhile, at the Derek Zoolander Center For Children Who Can't Read Good And Wanna Learn To Do Other Stuff Good Too... 50 10mos funny 6
Whole* 1780 2mos funny 45
What a sweet little girl. She really loves her family, despite their flaws. B 1503 2yrs pics 60
She loves her whole family B 25 6mos funny 9
Such a sweet little girl :) B 362 11mos funny 12
The difference between an "L" and an "R"... B 2233 1yr funny 135
Close Enough B 25 1yr funny 2
So thats how you really feel? 35 2yrs funny 2
The difference between an "L" and an "R"... B 2421 2yrs funny 401
I love my whore family... B 57 1yr funny 8
Little Girls are Silly 27 4mos funny 10
Awwwww, look how misspelled family, it's adorable. 17 1yr funny 5
Can't wait for that spelling to improve... B 1565 1yr funny 125
Yes, all of them. B 526 10mos funny 27
So close... 49 1yr funny 11

Source: karmadecay (B = bigger)

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