Dealing with the Dani Mathers snapchat thing...

No, thank you. I am new to Reddit and I landed in this forum because I did a search on Dani Mathers' name and your post came up. It did me good to read what you and others wrote. I'm still upset, but not as much as I was. I do really wish I had thicker skin like some of you who have posted, but I've been body shamed my whole life and it's just not something I can dismiss or ignore. I found some old family photos in a box at my mother's house after she died a few years ago -- photos I'd not seen in literally decades -- and I was shocked to see pictures of my tween-and-teen self in which I was just a normal sized girl. I never saw myself as normal sized and I was never treated like I was normal sized. And so over the years the weight started piling on -- it was like I was living down to my reputation, I guess. If everyone thinks I'm fat and treats me like I'm fat then I might as well be fat. And now I just can't get the weight off. I don't even really try to anymore. And I live with that same shame every single day because even though my family members are either gone, or I no longer have any contact with them -- those voices are still in my head.

Oh, well. Anyway, thank you. I think you are awesome.

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