Dear Valve , I only want to play against and with solo queue players , not stacks.

Dear Valve, I think it's time to remove solo/party MMR and leave one and only for both types of queue. By Satyr "faggot" Trickster.

Let's start with a review of what we have: soloq MMR is indication of

  • how mechanically efficient you are (how well you can find farm and capitalize on effect of mentioned farm)

  • how well you can force your team to take objectives regardless of amount of idiocy happening on map

Actual teamwork in micro- (focusing specific target, rotating from behind) and macro moments (finish tower, don't engage fight, go rosh), all coordinated via voice constantly? Pre-discussed setup (cheesy non-meta strat which will never work with a bunch of randoms, for example) and role distribution (go ahead, tell me there are no issues with 4 instapick cores in ranked every second game)? Somewhat better enemies aswell? Those things are what actual DOTA2 is all about, and THOSE ARE NOT PRESENTED IN SOLOQ, THEREFORE YOU DON'T LEARN / EXPERIENCE THOSE IN SOLOQ.

One can say there's 5man party / team mmr for all of these, use it and gtfo. It's shit, and lemme explain why (also addressing complaint in OP):

  • as people grind solommr way more, it's usually higher. 3.5k solo guy can easily have 2.8k party mmr, 4500 guy can have 3800 mmr, and so on. My team's average soloMMR is around 5400 (one 6k and bunch of low 5ks), but we pretty much don't play party MMR as our party average is 4400, and skill gap between us and enemies is most of the times ridiculous. Instead, we're forced to play leagues and look for skrims; Party MMR at this stage is absolutely useless and does not display actual skill of the party, however, if rating was the same for both soloq and party, it would significantly improve gaming experience for both parties and soloplayers alike

  • as party MMR in current state is irrelevant, that's exact reason why troll/clown parties are a thing. If MMR would one for both types of queue, people who feel like having fun would queue pub instead of ranked, as MUH PTS thing for current soloMMR would apply to the only MMR in my ideal world.

One guy in the other thread had an argument against duostacks, saying that it's efficiently lower guy supporting higher guy, and the latter snowballing afterwards. This is miserable:

  • this already happens, and as things are now, will keep happening, although that's pretty rare

  • if MMR is one for both queue types, people will be playing in party more often, and chances of having such party on both sides will rise significantly, making it efficiently making it imbalanced balance (just as dota itself, cough cough), as well as increasing overall amount of parties, making it easier for the system to actually find balanced line ups.


/r/DotA2 Thread