She is definitely my spirit animal.

1) Who do you think you are to tell another person that the context in which they delivered a compliment makes them a casual racist? If you are executing this in life or patrolling the internet telling people about the context in which they speak you are either a really ballsy individual or just looking for a fight. You've taken something innocent and turned into something ugly. Then again, I have no idea why I am not surprised as that is usually a lousy crusader mentality. I couldn't roll my eyes anymore if I pulled them out of my skull and played marbles with them.

Being 1/16th Creek Indian was a joke. I am Creek Indian, but I really do not know how much. It was simply an example. I have been called articulate and a great conversationalist. Just because I"m not someone you would put on speaker phone right now does not make me less intelligent. Although what a point for you to stoop low enough and using that little bit as insult! Feel better about yourself?

2) So now we are picking apart what "Where are you from" actually means? Where are from means WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU FROM. Answer the question or don't. What is your heritage or ancestry, however, completely different. I cannot speak for everyone, but when I ask this questions I am genuinely interested in where you hail from. If you want to get butthurt about it and start spewing about how you're from Seattle but your ancestors were brought here against their will I'm just going to peace out. I did not ask you for your ancestral history. I asked you were you from because (and believe it or not this happens a lot in Florida since, you know, some people still go on vacation) they are in my state and have no accent.

3) You seem to have completely missed the point I was making. The company put the face of some atypical white person on the box of baking goods. She looks like she is a straight out of the 50's (hence the sarcastic finger waves and pearls mention). You'll all get hyped about the "Mammy" stereotype or Uncle Ben, but then readily overlook when a white person was used to sell a similar product.

Oh no! A minority is being stereotyped! Quick everyone let's defend the hard-done-by's so we seem more astute! But they are doing the same thing to a white person... Oh well, this cause is more noble ssoooo we're just going to overlook that. Tough luck! End scene.

4) Yes, it probably does and that sucks but labeling it casual racism while it is just plain rude is more than debatable. It's contentious. Hushems.

5) Nope. I did not waste my time continuing to read an ill formed article someone wrote to make themselves appear more sensible. She was reaching like you all are. Spend your time more valuably and stop trying to drag the rest of us with the clear goal to stop flagrant racism. I know it doesn't make you, the other commenters or the author beautiful and unique snowflakes but we all have our little battles in life now don't we?

The more significant problem lies within the designation of these offences. STEREOTYPING, not racism, is defined as a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing. Stereotyping does not affect just minorities and funnelling down that definition does a disservice to us all. There are more stereotypes than those that occur in racial profiling or culturally. As an example there are gender and sexual stereotypes. Stereotyping is not racism or some obtuse classification like casual racism that an overcompensating snob generates to make herself seem clever.**


In none of these pictures do any of the statements portrayed on the hand written cards come CLOSE to saying spirit animal, asking where someone is from or having your hair touched without permission. (I am aware it is a Buzzfeed article.) The authors examples were bad examples and she should feel bad. She was overreaching and spread poor information. This ultimately does a disservice to individuals actually encountering racism or serious microagressions by shifting the focus to her distorted examples. You, any of the other commenters or the author herself want to really help start calling things for what they are.

Stereotypes are not racism. They are stereotypes and carry that definitive identification because to their core that is just what they actually are. You've turned something that is not racism into racism and because of that people are going to stop listening. We need the exact opposite of this to happen. Contrary to what you may think, you are not at the centre of this shit-storm no matter how much of a saint you pretend to be while continuously whining and complaining.

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