Describe how you would survive the apocalypse if you were forced to be stuck where you are now as your homebase?

I'm at home with my three little boys right now. House is pretty well stocked. In the last week I took advantage of the Kroger Mega Sale and Meijer sale for Thanksgiving items so we have enough stuffing, cream of mushroom soup and green beans to last a year; plus our shelves and freezers are stocked. We probably have enough food to last the five of us four months or so. There are plenty of deer and rabbits on our property so we have access to additional meat. I have ~6000 rounds of various ammunition types squirreled away with weapons to fire them, a machete, chainsaw, several axes as well as a couple framing hammers. Our house is brick with a second story addition which is where we'd hole up. I have a bunch of lumber on hand so I could board up lower windows. The house is surrounded by thick trees with a deep ditch up front that is lined with a dense thicket of olive bushes. We have a well that can be switched to our generator so I can pull water when necessary. Since our water is pretty sulfurous, we keep 14 gallons of city water on hand (which were filled yesterday). I just filled five 5 gallon gas cans for the generator because of the windstorm that is ripping through our area currently and the propensity to lose power during storms. If we lost power for an extended period of time, I'd have to fire up the smoker to take care of the meat in the freezer. I just filled our three propane tanks a couple weeks ago. That will run the grill for a year. We have a massive fire pit out back that I can cook on as well as plenty of wood to feed it. The biggest concern would be heat as it starts to get colder and the college campus full of students that's a couple miles away.

/r/thewalkingdead Thread