To deter chewing

People misuse that stuff all the time. Dogs get used to it. On the initial exposure you are supposed to create a negative experience. They don't want the liability of printing that on the bottle, and they want you to buy more bottles.

Coat your hand liberally, open your dog's mouth (assuming your dog is not prone to violence and used to being handled, don't do this if the answer is no, and seek basic training), slather on tongue, loudly and firmly correct (never use the dog's name, use a guttural growl, not any words) maybe use spray bottle with water spritz over the head - All at once. All harmless. All of it will tie the intial exposure to an unpleasant experience, which will make the dog recoil next time they smell it. Most dogs will drool heavily on reaction to this. Since this involves correcting a dog for nothing, you could soak an item the dog will destroy if you would rather wait to create the experience - the point is to tie the taste to a correction.

Since the dog already adjusted to the flavor, like getting used to beer or scotch, you may have to restart with a new taste.

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