Why did you leave the church?

Story time! This might be buried under all the other posts, but whatever. Sorry for the incoming wall of text in advance.

After struggling for most of my teen years with depression and suicidal thoughts, caused by the "temptations" of porn, masturbation, and being gay, I realized that I wouldn't be able to go on a mission without jacking off, and the sexual frustration that would accompany having an attractive mission companion would only amplify the problem. My bishop knew my "struggles" and wouldn't let me go on a mission until I had made sufficient "progress," and I was too much a goody-two shoes to lie to him. Eventually I decided to hold off the mission for a while until I was ready, and started attending a state university several hours away.

Without my family there to force me to attend church every week, and since my job had me work on Sundays, I stopped going to church. Because the institute had a fairly high turnover rate (liberal university + critical thinking student members /= good attendance), I was mostly left alone, and wasn't ever chased into attending FHE or dances or whatever. The cog dis that comes with accepting my sexuality and being a TBM, is huuuuuuge (seriously, FUCK TSCC's "options"- lonely celibacy and a deceptive mixed orientation marriage are both super shitty ideas) so I decided to step away from both the church AND my sexuality, and just focus on my studies for a while.

Of course, by being inactive in the church and putting my gay-ness on hold, I was still jacking off, looking at porn, and checking out guys. I was really just inactive in TSCC. Putting my sexuality "on hold" was just some mental gymnastics to let me have an excuse to stop going to church.

Eventually, after meeting a variety of awesome heathen college students, I realized that a lot of my ex/never mo's around me seemed so much happier in their "sinful" lifestyles, while I still felt pretty damn depressed and lonely, so I decided to come out of the closet, and choose my sexuality over the church, and just live with the consequences. It was the BEST decision I ever made, by far. Damn near all of my college friends fully supported me, and my family eventually got over themselves, and I was actually happy for the first time in my life!

Regardless of my testimony or the truth value of TSCC, I knew that I couldn't go back to a life of perpetual shame and guilt, when I was in such a good place. I eventually learned the truth about TSCC, but I was already converted to heathenism. :D

TL;DR: Gay and honest about jacking it, shamed by bishop, unworthy to go on a mission. Went to liberal university instead. Came out of the closet and left the church so I could be happy for once.

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