This Diet Is Better For the Planet. But Is It Better For You, Too?

My point is that you can’t dismiss things just by who funded it

I can. I always follow the money, and if it's industry funded, I'll pass on it and try to find something that more indendent, more reliable.

You won't find much else out there backing up the thing in quesetion here.

it’s what legislators get exposed to and it’s been pretty effective in shaping their actions.

You're right about that. Certainly in this case. The meat industry has the lobbying power of an atomic bomb....which is why studies like this are created.

If you want to argue something is incorrect, you need to read and familiarize yourself with the specific claims being made by the other side.

I don't at all. I can find you a thousand peer reviewed, independent, more reliable studies on animal farming and it's impact on the environment with the click of a mouse.

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