the difference between ios and android products

As much as I dislike Apple's price-gouging, their raw specs are not as much worse as everyone thinks, especially in their phones.

What's the newest iPhone? Like a dual-core processor at ~1.5Ghz or thereabouts and 1GB of RAM? Then you have the Android flagships when that last iPhone first released, which were quad-core processors at 2.5Ghz and 3GB of RAM.

However, that's not a fair comparison. Comparing core counts and Ghz is almost useless unless you're comparing similar architectures. Apple's tiny dual-core at a lower frequency does actually benchmark and perform about the same as a Snapdragon 800 with double the cores and double the frequency, while taking less battery.

It's just like Intel vs AMD in the desktop market, actually. Intel has the much more advanced architecture, and they deliberately hold back their core counts and frequencies to keep power use low, which is what's allowing them to kick AMD all over the floor in the laptop market. It's one reason why a dual core Intel Core i3-4150 at 3.5Ghz performs about the same as an octa-core AMD FX-8350 at 4Ghz in games. It's why a quad-core Intel Core i7-4710HQ laptop CPU at 2.5Ghz outperforms that same desktop FX-8350 at 4Ghz.

It's also like the comparison between Nvidia and AMD in the graphics card market, though I've used enough specific comparisons already.

Whenever it seems like a company is charging an exorbitant amount for shitty hardware... Realistically, it's probably not that simple. Apple, Intel, and Nvidia have extremely efficient and powerful tech, which is modest by design, as getting more performance out of fewer resources is one of the ways they pay for their comparatively massive R&D costs. To uninformed people, who just compare raw frequencies and gigabytes of RAM, it makes Apple, Intel, and Nvidia look like overpriced garbage. And yes, they are overpriced, but they're far from garbage, and that cost is the side effect of having technology that's not just fast, but which is also cool, and quiet, and can last forever on one charge.

Having said that, I'm still not buying Apple. Who the hell pays $600 for a phone? vomits

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