[Discussion] How many of your crushes lead up to something?

My life started three years ago, and since then I've had about 7 crushes.

Two of them were holiday crushes, and those ended in a little more than nothing to quickly dissolve in nothingness. Looking back to both of them, that's a good thing. They both definitely weren't my type.

One of them was a girl I liked for a motherfucking year, and for some reason the biggest jerk in my class found out about it but I quickly dismissed it. Then I decided I'd rather be clear about it to her so I told her and needless to say it ended right there.

Another one was a girl I met on my school's exchange project with Romania. She, for one, liked me too but it's nothing because of the distance. When another partner of the project returned to The Netherlands for two weeks, she brought a letter with her for me from the aforementioned girl and that was really sweet.

Then I had another girl I was interested in and I even got as far as asking her out, but she didn't like me more than just as a friend so I decided to not put any more effort in it.

After that there was another girl I liked. She was really nice and stuff but she kinda had a thing with one of my friends so continuing that would only cause bad karma.

So now I'm here, crushing on a girl I've known for 5 years but I have only really been talking to for the last year. For some reason I just feel such an intense happiness when I'm talking to her. We hanged out once but that didn't really count (the exchange partner that returned I told about before was hers, so I met up with them) so I plan on asking her to hang out together soon.

So well, after a lot of weird situations my success rate is still 0.

/r/teenagers Thread