[Discussion] What are your training dreams/goals?

I hear you on the agility goals! I'm a novice handler with big dreams and a tremendously talented young dog... he's a machine when it comes to individual obstacle performance (2.5 second weaves, wooo!) but he REALLY REALLY REALLY struggles to jump cleanly because he'd much rather throw caution to the wind and go fast.

He had 10 months off and I started bringing him back in late 2016. We spent the last six months doing absolutely nothing but flatwork, foot awareness and proprioception exercises, gridwork, and single jump drills.

In the past few weeks he's started some 2-3 jump non-grid drills... his progress is meaningful but GOOD GOD is it ever at a snail's pace. The second we push too far... bars everywhere. Even a single bar is an NQ in AKC...

I dream of the day he internalizes that is important to actually keep the bar up, because once he jumps cleanly he's going to be a force to be reckoned with.

Someday... hopefully...

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