I dislike a lot of things about Reginald but...

People who have not followed TSM since their early days likely don't even understand a lot of the hate towards Reginald. Reginald previously has stated and tried to be the lightning rod for the hate towards the team to shelter his teammates because he felt he had no trouble dealing with it. As a consequence though he ended up being the lightning rod over and over again, that eventually people started blaming him and hating him without likely ever seeing him play, or even understanding why they hate him, it is just what the rest of the people seem to do so they follow.

To me this is what makes the LOL community so divided in their understanding of esports and the players in general. Those players who followed the scene since its early days and been around since season 1, have a much larger picture of how things developed than the majority who for the most part joined late season 2 or season 3.

That being said, people are so self-elevating online and in the community in general that realistically no actual discussion can be had with them, not even by the pros themselves, because as Dyrus has once put it, people in the chat can be in bronze and they tell him why he is playing bad and why his builds are wrong or what he should build. When you have people that delusional in the value of their input, and with this little perspective only seeking approval from other equally shallow and uninformed players you can understand why having genuine discussion or attempting to do so tend to be an extremely frivolous endevour. The Reddit community and most players are better suited to arguing why Reginald is Wukong, or why EU > NA or why HotshotGG is a moron than they are to actually have mature discussions with.

/r/leagueoflegends Thread