Dividend or Growth Investing

The difference between a regular trading account versus an RRSP or TFSA is that you will be taxed on capital gains every time you sell. So you probably want to keep your 'hold forever' investments there. For me, that's an S&P500 and Canadian high yield fund. The S&P500 is combined growth and dividend, but there's a definite growth bias. The Canadian high yield fund is obviously dividend.

I swing the holdings in my RRSP between growth and dividend in accordance with forecasted market conditions.

I use the TFSA for small cap growth investing. Growth investments have an equally bad downside in market dips, so successful growth investing requires timing the market. I do it in the TFSA to avoid capital gains tax on sells, as well as to avoid tax altogether if it goes to the moon.

/r/PersonalFinanceCanada Thread