Does any other 20something feel a bit desperate about the future? How do you deal?

I know how you feel :( I'm early twenties, same scenario. I'm doing the most competitive, fancy-pants major that my university has but because it's not STEM, any job I get from it is still not going to pay very well. My boyfriend is doing comp sci so hopefully he can help us out until I get an (equally competitive & stressful) masters in national security & antiterror. There are jobs in that and it's really interesting. That's the key, really: find something that there are jobs in, that isn't likely to become obsolete, and that you could envision yourself doing every day without going insane or getting depressed.

The living situation thing is hard. I'm lucky in that I have an automatic roommate who I actually love living with (long-term boyfriend) but we have to live with 4 other roommates in a very small, crappy house just to pay the bills. We're constantly killing mice and everything is always breaking. We've had one roommate who we broke the lease with without penalty because the landlord classified it as domestic abuse (not physical/sexual, but verbal, threats, & psychological). Another roommate flaked out with a week's notice and left us to find a complete rando as a replacement. It fills me with so much panic and uncertainty and unhappiness to have so little control over my living situation. I hate not being able to control who comes into my house, not being able to say anything when my roommates invite complete strangers to sleep over, being the only one that cleans despite having six peoples' worth of mess. I hate never being alone. My boyfriend worked a full-time, minimum wage job all summer and still fell $200 short of his bills every month, and we A) have the cheapest rent of anyone I know, B) haven't gone to a bar in over a year and don't drink alcohol or smoke weed at home either, C) don't go out to restaurants/fast food/etc., D) haven't bought useless items or new clothes in months (aside from stuff like uniform pants for work). It's so scary. I feel like it's actually, genuinely impossible to succeed, no matter how hard you try. My boyfriend is from an affluent family and HE can't make it work. What am I supposed to do, with my working-class fam?

I worry that I'll never get to be a mom because I'll never be able to afford to take the time off work or even afford to properly feed & clothe a child. I grew up poor and being wealthy was one of my biggest dreams, as materialistic as that sounds, because money means peace of mind, safety, and amazing experiences.

I agree with you that the future seems hopeless sometimes. But I don't think thinking this way is a productive or healthy way to think. Consider seeing a therapist; you sound like you're depressed. Even if you're not depressed, it could be nice to talk it out at length.

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