Does losing weight help with other areas of life?

Completely agreed with others saying that losing weight will not be a fix for everything you might want to have change in your life. But let's be real, it will improve quality of life in real ways.

Confidence - I think it's pretty common for confidence to go up after losing weight. Personally it definitely did but I think for me, it was tied more to my exercise and gaining strength and feeling like I was strong and capable of doing more. But it didn't hurt that I also looked better in my clothes.

For mental health, it will be the opposite order - losing weight will not necessarily help with your mental health. It's possible that feeling more confident and capable in your life will improve your mental health, but I tend to think that more often mental health is what might be standing in the way of successfully losing weight.

Friendships - its unfortunate that friendships should be affected by your external appearance, either by your doing or by your friends', but it's an unfortunate reality most times. Personally, losing weight has just allowed me to do more active things, which has opened up new friend groups for me.

I can totally understand feeling like a loser, and I think it's a really hard thing to confront and move past. I would encourage you to remember that everyone is on their own journey and you are not alone in wanting to better yourself, change your situation, etc. Others may have more, others may have less, but try your best to remind yourself and remain confident that your journey is worth it for yourself. I know this is almost always easier to say than do, but its a day to day thing. As you lose weight, I think the positive effects of this can affect a lot of other parts of your life and can bring a bit of happiness and excitement to what can feel like a lot most of the time. Keep at it and stick to the bright stuff

/r/loseit Thread