Dog loose

Dude - I know its the internet and everybody is an expert on everything and you and I can claim whatever we want but I can tell you that the hind leg method is absolutely not working.

Usually this is advised by good meaning people exactly because of what you are saying it is apparently safer but it does not work.

Dogs like that Shepard went for the little dog because of hunting behavior - grab and shake. Others will bite and hold like staffs or pits often do.

Generally those dogs will not bite you when you choke them because their focus is on the prey.

Not on you - you are not moving fast, making high pitched noises or anything prey like. Usually they even have a high bite inhibition for people like pits used to have.

Even the Shepard in the video immediately gets submissive when the prey is out of his mouth there is no stimulus. When the other one comes in more agitated he immediately goes back to hunting at no point do they show aggression towards people. A stranger even touches them.

If you lift the hind legs what will happen is that they will bite down even harder to hold onto something. Just watch the video above. The Shepard is OFF the ground several seconds it does not let go at all.

I have been around aggressive dogs a lot. Also ones that want to attack and kill people. Chocking is the only way to get a dog of another dog if he is holding onto it.

Short of shooting, stabbing or ripping the prey out there is little you can do that will magically resolve the bite down and hold reflex.

Additionally I challenge you to hold a 20-30 kilo dog on its hind legs while it is trying to attack you and NOT get bit. The assumption that they can't reach you is absolutely false.

If the determination and the intensity is high in the situation you will get bit.

The chocking is for situation where a dog is holding onto another and not letting go.

Not for a situation where a dog is just attacking everything in its surrounding.

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