‘I don’t want Jihadis in my neighborhood’: Wyoming locals try to drive out town’s first mosque

I come from the background his father comes from, Pakistan. Born there but raised in Canada and this sounds like what happened in the small-mid city I live in when the first mosque was built.

Now im heavily anti religion myself but my family is the same as he described his. Having been forced to attend the mosque up until I was at the age when I can could say fuck off I witnessed so much bullshit and hate.

The leaders of this mosque were also "good canadian citizens" but once inside the mosque there was a gender wall divider and the sermons were about not accepting gays and being told we don't have to fully intergrade into society, we were told that you are muslim first and Canadian second.

This created so much bigotry and hate as anytime the imam or priest or whatever the fuck you call these retards got up and gave anti gay sermons people would clap and cheer. Every time they got up said not to involve yourself with a person of another religion it got cheers. THIS IS WHAT MODERATE ISLAM IS. Bigotry and hate all the while screaming and demanding everyone else have respect for them when they have none for you.

I cant even voice my experiences with islam openly cause im brown and the other type of crowd is the white trash which I have gotten so much hate from just for the colour of skin and without me having said anything to them yet, then theres "my people" who im so disgusted by for the type of things they pull.

Its a loss loss for truly progressive non whites, which this op is not cause hes trying to defend his bigoted father, who rightfully deserves to have opposition against him and his church....but its from the wrong crowd.

/r/news Thread Parent Link - npr.org