Donald Trump defunding of UN's women's health service will cause 'millions to suffer' - The administration has cited the Mexico City Policy for the cut, which allows the US to stop federal funding to any organizations offering abortion services

So many small minded, selfish individuals in this thread.

Despite every development programme being deeply challenged and inherently flawed, foreign aid is the cornerstone of global economic stability.

Blame your current administration and the republican cohort for the majority of America's current socio-economic issues. Blame the multinational corporations and banks who don't pay accurate taxes and continue to (successfully) lobby for greater control of industries and patents. Blame Trump for media favoritism and vilification of opposing views under false pretenses.

But no, let's blame the fucking Mexicans, universal healthcare programs, socially and ethically-responsible policies, and disadvantaged women in Africa for America's problems.

Do yourself a favour and learn about the events that led to the rise of Hitler and the Nazi party, the holocaust, World War 2, and the global economic destabilisation that followed for decades afterwards. If you have half a brain, you may recognize some parallels.

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