Donald Trump is going all in on banning abortion

Jesus, how is this journalism? This is the most strawmany clickbait I've ever seen. Everyone associated with it, from the author to the editor, should be relegated to the rank of "retarded blogger".

I clicked the link about Trump supposedly saying “There has to be some form of punishment” for women who have abortions to see what it was.

He went on MSNBC, and was given a hypothetical scenario where abortion is already a crime, and whether women who have abortions when it's illegal should be punished. He wasn't asked whether he'd ban or legalize abortions, he was given a scenario where abortion is ALREADY completely illegal, and asked if he'd enforce the law. He saw it was a BS question, and gave vague answers. But he kept being pressed and pressed, and eventually said there should be some consequence for breaking the law.

And there you have it. A made-up storm in a made-up teacup.

Zero respect for MSNBC and Vox for BS strawman. And shame on you reading this if you fall for this.

People, read the article, not just the headline, before you demonize the man!

/r/politics Thread Link -