Why Donald Trump Should Not Be President

R/politics constantly has anti trump postings. I think if the material on R/politics is slanted towards one candidate, they should make it well known that the sub favors one candidate over the other. Maybe something like r/trumpshouldnotbepresident or something. People refer to R/politics trying to get a view of both sides of the situation and all they get is an endless hole of anti trump sentiment. I am annoyed as a voter, because I want to decide for myself after seeing the facts. when you slant every article, be it for Hillary or Donald, it makes it hard to believe anything you are saying, because I know you want me to feel a certain way reading it. I know this is all too familiar in all news media nowadays, slanted articles vs. the facts. I don't even know why I expect unslanted articles being that the news is legally considered entertainment. I'm annoyed because you used to be able to find both sides of an argument in a politics thread. Now there are just subs battling each other, filled with shills, while they themselves are just echo chambers and articles with bias.

I don't like it.

/r/politics Thread Link - nytimes.com