Donald trump supporters, please explain how he's aquired your vote?

I'm for Sanders and Trump, in the sense that voting for either is sort of a way to "fire the government."

Here's some of my reasons I would vote for Trump:

  1. He's not a career politician. First and foremost this is what I like about him. He's not in the pocket of mega corps and super pacs.
  2. He's not a war monger, his views on the Iraq wars are in line with my own.
  3. I hate FOX news and the others almost as much. Trump's feelings about FOX news match my own.
  4. He's a pragmatic businessman first, so I trust he will hire and consult with experts on any issues where his own knowledge falls short. (Climate science being the only issue that worries me.)
  5. He has American interests at heart. Plus he's a great negotiator and deal-maker. If he's elected deal-maker-in-chief I know he'll get the best deal possible for our nation.
  6. He's genuine about his feelings and brutally honest. Some people think he's a loose madman because of the things he says when he speaks his mind, but I know he's a real New Yorker through and through; and New Yorkers are just that way. By all accounts, from his ex-wives to his employees he's a kind person. He's acting a bit of the tough guy for this election game where he has to face off with actual raving lunatics like Chris Christie, so I'm not persuaded by sound bites and gimmicky memes inferring that he's the next Hitler.

I know to some he makes outrageous sounding claims like "building a wall and making Mexico pay for it," and it sounds like insanity, but being familiar with Trump the businessman and his history of deal-making (he literally wrote the book on deal making) his claims are a little more transparent. Trump is a master negotiator, and he begins all negotiations with huge, almost ridiculous first asks. I know, and Trump knows, that Mexico won't pay for a whole wall to be built, but if during the process of negotiation the Mexican government agrees to pay for some of it it will be because trump laid down a yuuuuuge first ask and worked a deal out from there.

I have other reasons too, but are harder to put in my list. I don't like the field of contenders enough to vote for any of them. were not here to talk about those guys though. I would like to add that i the election were Bernie Vs. Trump, my vote could swing easily between them. I live in a red state, in a red county, so voting for blue won't make much of a difference (and in my experience it never has) so my desire to vote for Trump in the case of Bernie vs Trump is jsut a desire to be on the winning side, although I like both candidates. In my perfect world, I would like to see a Trump/Bernie ticket, no matter how unfeasible it sounds.

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