I don't know how to handle my own mind

My special interests are actually human psychology and religion, I read constantly about all different kinds of religions and mental illnesses and things, and also practise meditation, etc. I think that it was meditating and spirituality, in addition to using cannabis, that allowed me to slow my brain down enough to learn to control my emotions a bit and try to understand what was really wrong, and after years and years of soul searching I finally learned that aspergers manifested differently in women, and that I fit the description perfectly. I'm pretty good at figuring out what's going on in people's heads because I took it upon myself to study it when I was very young, because I never really understood it. A lot of people think I'm very empathetic and perceptive but most of it is because I can "conclude" what's happening because of everything I notice about a person and I actually psychologically analyse everyone constantly... it's pretty mental. I never tell people though, because, I know that would be bad. I don't manipulate people this way, though, I just use it to avoid conflict.

I have a hard time making/keeping friends. I'm too quiet and I've never gotten on with other girls. I have a soon-to-be husband and a friend who lives in another city and my mom -_-

Now that I know I have aspergers it has made me feel so much more validated as a person, before I thought I was just very fucked up and everyone treated me that way- but deep down I knew I was just different. I unfortunately have spent a lot of my time just thinking I was smarter than everyone else and that the world was just really fucking stupid, which I still kind of think sometimes. That leads to a lot of frustration though, so I just avoid the world, I guess...

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