I don't want to live anymore, please tell me the fastest way to kill myself.

You say you don’t want help, so I am being frank and completely honest here. There is no ‘foolproof’ or ‘fastest’ way to die. These methods are all flawed in some way, and there is no guarantee you will actually die. In fact, there’s more of a chance of you being in pain and not dying than you dying a fast, painless death. Let me give you an example.

Hanging. If done right by sheer luck, it’s supposed to efficiently kill you by breaking your neck. Statistically? This is unlikely. You will suffocate to death, painfully writhing around for hours as you try to get free. But I won’t try to get free, you say. Well, too bad, it’s the body’s natural instinct, and by then, you’ll have no control over your body, so yes, you will want to get free. You could go into shock, have seizures, all while you are fully conscious. If you don’t know, this is what could happen to you when you go into shock: you shit yourself, urinate yourself, or you have a heart attack all while you are awake. Do you want someone to find you in that state? Do you want someone to find you smelling of rotten piss with shit in your pants? Wait, don’t forget, did I mention this? You’re fully conscious while you suffer. Worst case scenario? You survive, but now you have brain damage and paralysis and you will never be the same again.

If you want more examples, I’ll gladly give it to you.

Actually on second thought, I do know the fastest and most painless way to die.

Natural deaths. There’s nothing better than living to 80 and dying with your loved ones around you. Or even just dying in your sleep. That’s a good one. Give yourself the dignity of dying a good death, not one cloaked in pain and misery.

/r/SuicideWatch Thread