I don't know where to start with this one...

Fuck I'm going to regret this... I'm a firmer militant white supremacist. Left only 3 ish years ago. All of the people I knew, both Christian and Neo Germanic Wotansvolk think trump is a Jew and that the Alt Right are figs.

The alt right is racist and fascist, but they let gay men and people of color into their little clubs. White Power groups would rather cut their throats or strap a vest and blow up a buss than ever consider a non white or homosexual be invited. Period.

The alt right is not white power, and the white power groups are not alt right. But they're both racist and bigoted. Fuck, I hate the constant bickering that a maga hate makes you white power. Some MAGA morons are honestly just plain old racist old fucks. Not all racists want to round up and gas Jews, and beat down gays.

/r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM Thread Link - i.redd.it