'The Drug Whisperer': some drivers are getting arrested for driving stoned, even when their drug tests came back clean

An important thing that a lot of people might not know is they are training people to believe they have some special extra perceptive sense (they don't call it that) to find these "hidden DUI's." I spent a decade in law enforcement and they are putting impressionable young officers into a program where they are expected to be able to determine if someone is under the influence, even when logically all of the evidence points in the other direction. They pound all of this nonsense into their heads and it turns out almost everyone they arrest for DUI after this training is in fact, completely sober.

Most cops aren't lying, they really believe they are catching people under the influence because of a poor training program. This program is all the rage with administrators, and we end up having to retrain young officers because they come back after two weeks and literally everyone is a DUI to them.

I'm not sure who specifically is benefiting financially off of this shitty program, but one thing you can be sure in America is someone is turning suffering into profit.

/r/news Thread Parent Link - 11alive.com