Dump liquid nitrogen into boiling water and KIDS ERUPT!

I didn't use many physical resources - we mostly did demos -> discuss -> predict results of a different experiment -> discuss. I noticed that the less they wrote down their predictions, the more likely they were to engage... their 'failures' aren't permanent. I often made the point that it doesn't matter if your predictions are wrong in science. If the results are unexpected, you do more experiments to find out why and you learn more! So I accepted all predictions, even if they seemed strange and then did the next demo. It's fun to choose ones that make them go 'wuuuuut?' - if they're familiar with the results being unexpected, they're less afraid of making an incorrect prediction next time. Anyway... I'll dm you some activities for some basic science stuff, or this is gonna get long.

/r/Damnthatsinteresting Thread Parent Link - v.redd.it