Same here. I was an apologist for the Wii U era VC. If you disregard the 3DS, the Wii U was the second system to offer VC and I could understand the reason for charging a rate to upgrade a Wii VC title to Wii U VC. You get off TV mode, button swapping, and save states. Fair enough. Pay 1.00 or 1.50 if that's something you're into, if not, take 20 seconds to boot up the Wii menu and select the game.

Since there is no backwards compatibility on the Switch, there is no way that Nintendo can identify if you've purchased that game on the Wii U or not. They have zero leverage in this exchange for Wii and Wii U VC consumers. Sure, you can take the game anywhere, but Nintendo has to know that this is not enough for a person to spend 7.99 for a SNES game again. Remember the Wii U incentive to upgrade was only 1.50. It's a tough sell for returning customers. I'm convinced that there will be subscription service since accounts seemed to be ruled out by Reggie. One thing is for sure, they won't only offer games for sale at Wii U VC prices again.

/r/nintendo Thread Parent Link - ign.com