Why E6 Broke Up (General's Version)

This is 100% on. People seem to think that money softens to emotional impact of hardship. Or that simply having money keeps the worst hardships away from people.

Here's some reality from a 29 year old blue collar man. Hardship comes in many forms and with different levels of intensity. I grew up in some of the worst areas of Detroit. My dad owned 3 houses on the block. Our family house, his stash house and the corner house he dealt his drugs out of.

His money, though "dirty" kept me on private schools up until around 5th grade when my mom left him. After that I became the white kid in Detroit public school since my father felt like he no longer had to keep my mother accustomed to the drug dealer lifestyle.

I've been robbed at gun point in my early teens. Stabbed in my leg as 2 dudes ran off with my (cheap) shoes and in more fights than I care to remember just because I was a white dude walking alone.

And even after all those "hardships" you know what the worst thing I've ever gone through was? No, not eating outta the trash because my family was broke and all I could do was scrape some money together to buy my sister some chips and a pop. It wasn't living in my beat up car while I worked nights at a small machine shop learning the trade.

It was watching my best friend go through a terrible addiction to pills and later heroine and eventually dying in the basement of his wealthy grand fathers house. The wealthy grandfather that gave me a job when I didn't even have an address to put on paper work for human resources. My rich best friend who had no worries about money at all and became addicted to something after a car accident broke his back. So to say you have any idea what kind of hardships someone has faced because they have money is the most ignorant and insulting thing to what make something a hardship.

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