Echoing Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton Suggests Europe Needs To Get A Handle On Immigration

Ironically, Hillary Clinton appears to be echoing the talking points of right wing populists like Donald Trump. Some data, in fact, heavily contradicts Clinton and right wing populists’ political positions, as it is possible that many European economies would likely fail and implode if not for immigration.

For example, as Reuters reported, Germany — which is often criticized by right wing populists for having seemingly loose immigration laws — is looking to further ease its immigration policies in an effort to prevent its economy from imploding. According to official data from Germany’s Federal Labor Office, a record 1.2 million jobs remain unfilled, which is why government officials are scrambling to ease immigration laws and to allow skilled workers to enter the country as soon as possible.

The same can be said for Ireland, according to RTE, which has announced changes to the work permit scheme to address the labor shortage. The situation is not much different in France, according to Reuters, where labor shortages are becoming a significant issue as the economy continues to boom. In Belgium, according to the Brussels Times, workforce shortage is harming the economy. According to Bloomberg, Scandinavian countries are facing similar issues.

Hmmm, interesting.

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