Electric vehicle adoption improves air quality and climate outlook

Not in America.

Obviously this changes a lot based on country. In America 1/3 of days someone is driving over 40 miles http://www.solarjourneyusa.com/Pictures/daily%20distance%20car%20distribution_cumulative.jpg in Europe I would expect this to be more sharply limited at the higher end. As a result EVs beat out PHEVs rapidly (less than 2 years, not 10).

In America: https://www.ucsusa.org/clean-vehicles/electric-vehicles/ev-emissions-tool

70 grams a mile, or 70kg per 1k miles or 70,000kg per 100k miles. And that’s if the grid doesn’t clean up (which it is, rapidly) and we are frozen in time.

At 150kg per kWh, even a 100kwh p100d would come out ahead 60,000kg after 100k miles (or ~8 years of light driving). The point at which it is more efficient than a PHEV is actually less than 2 years, not 10.

/r/electricvehicles Thread Parent Link - news.northwestern.edu