Elementary school teachers, what have you heard your students say about Trump and Clinton?

Indonesians and Arabs are just semantics?

There's a difference between the word Semitic, like Semetic peoples or languages (think Arabic or Hebrew), and semantics. Semantics means word choice, as in you were parsing out the distinction between race and religion to claim that religious bigotry and racism are morally different. I agree that while the concepts are different, the underlying attitude and moral failing was identical.

None of those people listee look alike lol.

My point wasn't to say that they looked alike, but to point out that religious and cultural identity are often linked, and an attack on a person for being Muslim in the west is always associated with them being foreign and "other" out-group. So while using a slur against someone who is Muslim is not racist per se, there is always some underlying racial component (at least where I am in the US).Saying "Muslims aren't a race" and so you cannot be racist against them so go ahead and hate all you want just gives a shield to racists and bigots to act on their worst instincts and hate the current foreign boogeyman.

/r/AskReddit Thread Parent