Email U of T - Support Jordan Peterson's Right to Free Speech

You,TheOtherCumKing, and some others on r/uoft really need to stop blowing Dr.Peterson's comments out of proportion, from your paragraphs you make it sound like the professor's on twitter spreading bigotry, and adovcating for violence and segregation against those with pronouns other then "he/she". When all he has done is academically and respectfully (which I admire and respect the avenue he's taken as it should always be done that way) shared his differing view on how he believes PC culture is harmful to society and also om legislation issues. Why are some people arguing like hes adovcated for genocide against certain people and should be fired, or face academic consequences, or at least be censored by the university for it? What's the point of academic free speech if a tenured professor can't even respectfully and academically share his view without being censored? Even you agree or disagree with the contents of his personal work on youtube that has no affiliation with UofT, we should all fight for his right to say it as we've already violated a foundation of academia of respectfully sharing differing views absent of this backlash and which-hunt.He's haven't said one hateful statement or bigoted statement, in fact, he's constantly encouraged the opposite of bigotry, and respectfuland academic discussion on everyones views, please stop blowing his comments out of proportion. The vast majority of students know that freedom of speech is related to legal consequences, however, when a professor is told by their university that they must stop making public statements and his speech must be altered, (especially hypocritical since last week they made an annoucement saying the professor is entitled to his personal opinion even if it may not be the university's opinion on certain matters) then that is a violation of the university's own definition of academic free speech and apparant appriciation for academic free speech that they issued a letter regarding on the same day of they decided to censored Dr. Peterson.

If any professor or person should face academic consequences or have to recieve a letter from the university censoring them for abusing their academic free speech and whom your reply, especially this statement of yours "UofT does NOT want one of their staff to publically make remarks that negatively affect the university," would apply perfectly and clearly for is Dr. A.W. Peet for their disgusting, among many other -ism descriptions, completely nonacademic, and unprofessional behaviour and remarks shown here in their tweets:

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