Is Enid the only 'introverted' character to have been in the show?

Introverted: Rick, Glenn, Carol, Michonne, Sasha, Eugene, Abraham, and Gabriel

Extroverted: Daryl, Carl, Maggie, Tara, Rosita, and Aaron

Rick is a capable leader despite being introverted, but he doesn’t lead through an extroverted charm. His son Carl is a bit of an ambivert, but he seems to be leading towards extroversion judging by how he flourishes with social attention.

A few characters are surprising in their introversion or extroversion. Daryl is officially an introvert according to the showrunners, but I suspect Daryl is actually a hidden extrovert. He seems to need social interaction to survive, but he was denied attention when he was younger and grew up trying to cope without it. I do think that Daryl recognizes his need for other people but struggles to do so despite wanting to.

Carol, I suspect, should be an extrovert but unlike Daryl she seems to be crashing into introversion with open arms despite the damage it is doing to the world. She has the natural grace of an extrovert but seems to believe she needs to cut herself off in order to survive.

Glenn and Michonne are introverts who really love being around their loved ones. Glenn’s introversion doesn’t really show up in the show, but the clues are there (he prefers to work alone, for instance). Michonne seems to favor introverted hobbies and needs to process internally, but like many introverts she clings to the idea of having people close to her.

Sasha and Tara are perfection examples of stereotypical introversion and stereotypical extroversion. Sasha is, without a doubt, an introvert through and through, whereas Tara seems to need to talk and connect with the people around her even when it’s not conducive to survival or potentially harmful.

Eugene is introverted with an obvious skill for social manipulation, but like Michonne needs to process things internally. Abraham is a “do it” personality, but shows no need of social interaction (that doesn’t mean he isn’t upset over the loss of his family.) Gabriel is an introvert who followed a religious profession likely due to the introspective elements, and didn’t anticipate he would have a flock. Aaron is a clear extrovert, he just struggles to be accepted because of his sexuality.

Maggie and Rosita don’t really have a clear preference. They could be ambiverts, but I choose to call them extroverts because Maggie seems to be leading towards a collective-needs personality and seeking out others, and Rosita seems to enjoy being around all types of people despite being a little quiet.

/r/thewalkingdead Thread