ENTJ looking for perspective!

I perceive ENTJs as powerful, successful but misguided in some intangible way (I have this issue with non-Fi-doms in general though). I think I suspect on some level that such types don't really know who they are or that they have not embraced the same challenges or made the same explorations an IFP would have made. For example I consider ENTJs one of the types who treat emotions as some sort of alien anomaly they would pretend does not exist and thus they never truly come to conquer it or make it subservient to their wishes. When you put that through a practical lens it seems irresponsible. It is ironic in the sense that a type stereotyped as being irresponsible would do what has to be done (INFP) and a type stereotyped for being responsible (ENTJ) would rather stick their head in the sand. In the end it leads the IFP to have a resource on hand which they can use at any time for their own purposes.

That being said I have often wished I was an ENTJ. I'm an SP-dom instinctual variant and thus two things are more important to me than anything: 1) Immortality and 2) putting bread on the table. Unless I write a novel which would make a million sales or compose a great musical work I will likely struggle with both far into the future. I tend to end up in entry-level roles and despite my efforts have trouble moving up. In a world where we are arguably all getting poorer and poorer choosing to be an impractical type was a very poor decision.

My question for you: Do you run your own business? How easy do you find it? I ask because running my own company seems to be the only way I can enjoy a sense of financial security yet my mind would rather lend itself to creating creative writing ideas rather than building a business/corporate structure, devising/innovating products or understanding market opinion or trends. I of course am working to write my great novel but I could do with a back-up plan if it doesn't work out.

Otherwise - how do you develop Te? I feel a lot of discomfort when using it.

If you read all the above, congratulations. If you did not then a tl;dr version can be provided on request.

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