Epidural birth success stories?

With my first I tried to wait before getting it, but as soon as the contractions got close together I was miserable and in soooo much pain. The epidural was incredible and took the pain right away. With my second, I requested the epidural as soon as I was admitted to labor and delivery. I'm really glad I did too, because it took about an hour to get to a room, checked in, and to have the doctor come down and administer the epidural. Within that hour the contractions became intense. Worst pain imaginable and I couldn't imagine withstanding it any longer. I'm so glad I requested the epidural as soon as I arrived.

With both, I was still able to move my lower half, it all just felt very heavy. At one point the heart rate of the baby dipped so I had to get on all 4s. Before ever having an epidural I thought you were completely paralyzed and something like that wouldn't be possible. It was hard to get my body up into the position (felt like my legs weighed 200 pounds), but I was able to do it.

I could also tell when I was having contractions, but it felt like heaviness or tightness, and not pain. Literally no pain at all. I was able to tell that my body was ready to push and I could easily time the pushes with the contractions.

I highly recommend epidurals!

/r/pregnant Thread